Create a bucket of "bird food". Into this bucket, dump all kinds of things - try to include a wide variety of shapes sizes and textures. Some things you might want to include:
- Sand
- Oats
- Rice
- Marshmallows
- Gummy Worms
- Cereal
- Pasta
- Coconut
- Small candies
- Tongs
- Chopsticks
- Eye droppers
- Forks
- Pliers
- Tweezers
- Toothpicks
- Clothespins
Let the students go at the bucket of food with their respective beaks. They should try to gather as much food as they can.
After a set amount of time has passed, spend some time looking around to see which beaks were able to pick up which foods.
Ask your students why the eye dropper beak wasn't able to pick up the oatmeal, and why the tongs weren't able to pick up the sand.