Top Ten Household Items #5

#5 on the Top Ten List of Household Items to Use in Your Science Classroom is:


Before I started compiling this list, I was certain that salt would end up in the top spot or two.  It seems like I'm constantly pulling it out of the cupboard for one reason or another!

I bumped it down a little on this list, because I just didn't have as many activity links to share as I did for some of the contenders.

I'm sure you'll share lots more ways to use salt in science lessons!  And take some time to try some of these ideas:

Salt Water Painting
Salt, Vinegar and Pennies (chemical change)
The Mistake
Should I Salt My French Fries Before or After
Float an Egg
Semipermeable Membranes
Growing Crystals

It's also really great to look at under a stereoscopic microscope, if you happen to have access to one!

Comment on this post to be entered to win a prize box containing most of the Top Ten Items.  And remember, if your comment contains an additional use (not mentioned above) for salt in the science classroom, you'll receive a bonus entry!

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