Jello Brain Update!

Remember the free Jell-o brain molds I told you about? 

Well, they arrived a couple of weeks ago. 
For size comparison - that's a 5 year old head it's next too (albeit a rather large 5 year old head....)

I haven't put mine to use yet (have to remember to get more Jell-o at the grocery store...), but my friend Susan got hers and tried it...

Photo from Susan at Learning ALL the Time

Fun stuff! 

If you're interested, you have through Monday (October 31) to get a free mold (only pay $2.95 shipping and handling).  After Halloween, it's regularly priced - $2 + Shipping. 

If you'd like one, head to the Kraft Corner Store!  You'll have a head start on next Hallween, and some interactive Central Nervous System lessons in the meantime!

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