Body Systems: Skeletal System: Pasta Skeleton

Skeletons are a common sight around Halloween, and as such, I thought I'd spend a week sharing skeleton/skeletal system/bone activities and lessons you can do with your students.  They're perfect for Halloween mini-lessons or any time your curriculum brings you to those topics. 

First up, pasta skeletons!

The great variety of shapes of pasta in which pasta comes make it a fun (and inexpensive) medium with which to create. 

Provide your students with an assortment of pasta shapes and black construction paper and let them create a skeleton, being sure to include the bones you've required them to learn. 

Another possibility, have them create a more detailed model of one part of the body.  While searching for something else, I found this document, which includes an activity in which students create a model of the bones in the hand using varying sizes of tube-shaped pasta.