(The pictures have nothing to do with this post. Just something pretty to look at while you read.) |
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback regarding the summer.
I'm going to try to continue to provide you with new content on a regular basis, but also cut back a little to give myself a little break this summer. I'm aiming for 3 posts per week, but I'm hoping for some help to reach that goal (more on that in a moment). Here's my plan....
My regular pattern of posting daily will go through June 3. By the way, it's impossible to decide on a date for such things - I know people who finished school around May 13 and others who won't finish until June 24. That's quite a range, my friends! So, I'm shooting for the middle!
I'm going to use the summer to share some fun science activities that don't fit quite so neatly into specific content areas. Many of these are projects my friend and colleague and I used in our summer science camps. If you're a parent reading this, many of the projects will be great things to try out with your kids at home this summer. If you're a teacher, you may find ways to incorporate them into your curriculum, or you may consider running your own summer science camp next year. (I'll also let you know more about how we ran the show).
I'm also going to give you some updates on previous posts. There are several instances where I've since learned/discovered better ways to do things and I just haven't had a chance to share them yet, so we'll try to get some of those tasks done.
I may throw out some ideas for some swaps and trades and see if anyone is interested. I'm hopeful that the time away from school will give people more time to consider taking part in such things.
And finally - I hope you're still reading - as mentioned previously, I'm hoping to find some people who are interested in writing some guest posts. You need not have any blogging experience (you'll just send me your words, in email, in a Word document, etc. and I'll put them into the blog. You can include pictures if you wish, or not if you don't have any or it's not applicable. I'll also make any appropriate links you may want or need.
You can write about anything related to science and science education you'd like: a lesson that works well for you, a favorite website or other resource, a great professional development opportunity, a favorite product/tool, an object for "What Is That?" or something for "How Does That Work?"
You can write anonymously or you can use this as an opportunity to drive people to your own website or blog (or somewhere in between).
I hope you'll consider submitting something - I'd love to learn a few new tricks! To ask a question or volunteer, send an email to adventures.in.science@gmail.com, or leave a comment, but make sure you include your email address so I can get back to you.
And if that doesn't provide enough content for you, you can always check out the archives!