For the purposes of this blog (and my own interests), I'll direct you to Science CAP portion. I haven't counted, but the site claims (and I have no reason to doubt it) over 2000 pages of activities, assessments and resources for teaching middle school science. Like most things, many of these activities can be adapted up or down to meet students in other grade levels. In a week or so, I'll provide you with more details about one of the activities from this collection that I've successfully used.
A few more interesting things about ide@s...
If you currently teach in Wisconsin (any grade, pre-K through 12), you can apply to be part of the ide@s research team. As part of the team, you will test 2 resources per month in your classroom and then provide feedback on the resrouces' effectiveness. I do not have any first-hand experience with this program, but I think it could be interesting to look into. For me, it would probably depend upon how extensive the feedback process was and how much time was required to complete it.
ide@s also offers a nice collection of copyright-free digital images for educators to use for free within their classroom.
Several resources in one place - you can't go wrong with that!
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