Practice measuring length while learning a little more about your body.
The human body is proportioned with almost exact symmetry. This symmetry allows a ballerina to leap gracefully, an athlete to run fluidly and a child to stop suddenly. It also gives each of us the balance we need for our organs to function healthfully.
The human body's proportions are often expressed in terms of the length of your head. Measure the following lengths and see how closely your body fits the mold. (These measurements are for adults, your students might not fit them yet as proportions change as we grow into adulthood).
Record all measurements in cm.
Measure the length of your head. ____ cm
The height of an adult is 8 times the length of the head, or 8 "heads". Your height is ____ cm, which is ____ heads.
The distance from your hips to your feet is 4 heads. This distance on you is ____ cm or ____heads.
The length of your head should equal the width of your waist. Does it?
Your knees are 6 heads from the top of your head. This length on you is ____ cm or ____ heads.
The width across the shoulders is 2 heads. Your shoulder width is ____ cm or ____ heads.
The length of your foot equals 1 head. Your foot length is ____ cm or ____ heads.
The length of your forearm from the inside crease of your elbow to the wrist bone equals 1 head. This length on you is ____ cm or ____ heads.
Your waist is 3 heads down from the top of your head. This length on you is ____ cm or ____ heads.
Your hands reach the middle of the thigh, or 5 heads down. This distance on you is ____ cm or ____ heads.
**See what other proportions you can come up with. For example:
--Your forearm is the same length as your foot.
--The length of your pinkie is the height of your ear.
Measurement: The Symmetrical Human Body
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