Website: Middle School Science Yahoo Group

Consider joining the Middle School Science Yahoo Group.  It's a very active discussion group founded by Liz LaRosa of  From the group description:
Need a place to bounce ideas around or have questions that need to be answered? This is the place where science teachers can communicate with each other and exchange ideas or give that much needed support. If you are a 6th, 7th, or 8th grade science teacher, this is the place for you. Join our new community where people will understand you when you start talking about Newton's Laws, atomic mass, or golgi apparatus!
It's really an enjoyable group to follow.  You can read the messages on the website, get daily emails containing the whole day's messages sent to you, or get the individual messages sent to your email.  In order to reply to messages or ask questions of your own, you'll need to have a Yahoo id/email.  If you just want to read the messages on the site, you don't need to - it's a public group. 

Technically, I've been a member of this group for a long time, but admittedly, for most of that time I never even opened the emails, they just accumulated in my inbox.  Recently I've become a regular reader of the email digests and have already scored several great ideas.  So, I'm kicking myself for everything I've missed out on because it sat in my email forever until it was deleted because my inbox was too full.  Oh well... I can always search the archives. 

There are also Yahoo groups for high school science, elementary school science (FYI: the Science Matters group was not founded by myself, nor do I have anything to do with running or moderating it), and lots of homeschooling topics.

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