Basic Not Boring Workbooks

EARTH & SPACE SCIENCE GR 6-8& UP BASIC/NOT BORINGHuman Body & Health: Science Skills : Grades 6-8+ (Basic, Not Boring 6 to 8)Physical Science: Inventive Exercises to Sharpen Skills and Raise Achievement (Basic, Not Boring 6 to 8)Life Science: Inventive Exercises to Sharpen Skills and Raise Achievement (Basic/Not Boring Science Skills: Grades 6 -8+)
There comes a time when every teacher needs to use worksheets.  Some use them more readily than others, but everyone uses them some of the time.  

I like the worksheets found in the Basic Not Boring series.  They show a great variety of work (not the same sheet over and over again with different information plugged into it) and the fonts and sketches are more fun than basic text.  The work is intended for students in grades 6-8, and I have found it to be age and developmentally appropriate for my students.

Of course, it's unlikely that anything in these books is going to match your curriculum perfectly, since they aren't connected to a specific curriculum, but I've found them to be a good resource when I need something more.  

I have used:

If you teach other subject areas, you can find books from the same series for math, history and language arts.

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