
I first became interested in ProjectWET (Water Education for Teachers) when I saw my friend's ProjectWET Curriculum & Activity Guide. I have no shame in admitting that I highly coveted this book - it was filled with so many wonderful, easy-to-implement activities, for grades K through 12 - and set out to find a copy of my own.

I quickly learned that the only way to get your hands on a copy of said book (other than pocketing your friend's book when she's not looking - Hi Anna!) is to take a ProjectWET workshop. The book is included in the small workshop fee. I was extra fortunate - the local water company (part of a very LARGE water company) offered the workshop free to local teachers - score!

Anyway... it's worth the minimal fee (I would happily pay it), for both the workshop and the book. During the course of the workshop, you'll try several of the activities for yourself, led by a trained facilitator.

At the ProjectWET website, you'll find information for contacting your local ProjectWET coordinator. And, ProjectWET isn't just for teachers - 4-H leaders, scout leaders and homeschooling parents are all welcome participants.

Keep your eyes open for ProjectWET workshop opportunities. And, if there's nothing on the horizon, why don't you gather your own group of 15-30 participants and ask ProjectWET will schedule a workshop for your group.

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