This post is the fifth in a series of posts about a CSI program I ran at our library. You can read the background information here and here and here and here. For Day 4 we performed the dirt analysis. It was fairly straight-forward and completed without much fanfare. The...
CSI Science: Case of the Kidnapped Cookies Day 3
This post is the fourth in a series of posts about a CSI program I ran at our library. You can read the background information here and here and here.Day 3 found us analyzing the red marks on the ransom note envelope. It was (somewhat mysteriously) determined that the red marks are lipstick...
CSI Science: Case of the Kidnapped Cookies Day 2
This post is the third in a series of posts about a CSI program I ran at our library. You can read the background information here and here. On day 2, we got to dive into the laboratory procedures with a white powder lab. Once again, all of the materials were provided (even water!), which...
CSI Science: Case of the Kidnapped Cookies Day 1
This post is the second in a series of posts about a CSI program I ran at our library. You can read the background information here. As mentioned earlier, our program was advertised for 3rd through 8th graders. At our first meeting we had the following patrons attend:a 6th grade boy two...
CSI Science: The Case of the Kidnapped Cookies
This post (and the ones that follow) has been in the works for a long time. Quite a while back, I got in touch with the folks at Educational Innovations (I've written about them before, here) and we began talking about a possible collaboration. Last spring, I was finishing up a series of...
Mapping the Solar System
I recently encountered this activity for the first time, on the McDonald Observatory website. I've since found the same activity on numerous other sites. I don't know where it came from first, but I'll give credit to the place where I first saw it. Anyway... it's a super simple way for students...
Shaving Cream + Corn Starch
I'm not sure how to categorize this one, but it's a fun concoction to make and play with. It'll definitely be part of our slime day at the library, even if it's not actually a slime!Pour some corn starch into a bowl. Squirt in some shaving cream, about the same amount as you have corn starch....
Polymers: Glue + Liquid Starch
I've been playing with around with recipes to make assorted slimes and such in preparation for a library program this summer. A simple slime to concoct uses glue and liquid starch (you can find it in the laundry aisle)You can find people using all different proportions, but I use about equal amounts...
Science in the Library

For the past couple of years, I've been working part-time in our local library. In addition to typical library duties (checking out books, shelving books etc.), I've taken on responsibility for much of the children's programming that goes on at our location. I've started a blog to share some of...
Winner, winner
The winner in our Top Ten Household Objects comment contest is...Mrs. M at Orchard View!!! Thanks to everyone who participated and make sure you check out those comments to find some more great ideas!More new stuff later this we...
Top Ten Household Items #1
#1 on the Top Ten List of Household Items to Use in Your Science Classroom is:Food ColoringDefinitely a worthy winner! I use it all the time and I'm sure there are lots more ideas to add to the list!Tie-Dye Name-tagsBeads of ColorCapillary Action in ActionFrustration BottlesMixing ColorsStates...
Top Ten Household Items #2

#2 on the Top Ten List of Household Items to Use in Your Science Classroom is:PenniesPennies have so many great uses in the classroom! What can you add to the list?Penny boatsPenny PassengersGenetics Penny FlipInertia Penny FingerPenny Knock OutPenny in a CupDrops on a PennyHalf-Life ModelSpot...
Top Ten Household Items #3
#3 on the Top Ten List of Household Items to Use in Your Science Classroom is:BalloonsI didn't even realize how often I used balloons in the classroom... And I don't think this is a complete list! Share your ideas in the comments!The Expanding UniverseBlow up a Balloon in a BottleThe Importance of Cell...
Top Ten Household Items #4

#4 on the Top Ten List of Household Items to Use in Your Science Classroom is:VinegarVinegar is a great item to have on hand - it's a key component in many simple and safe chemical reactionsSeashells and AcidificationEgg-sperimentSteel Wool and VinegarSalt, Vinegar and PenniesThe Importance of Brushing...
Top Ten Household Items #5
#5 on the Top Ten List of Household Items to Use in Your Science Classroom is:SaltBefore I started compiling this list, I was certain that salt would end up in the top spot or two. It seems like I'm constantly pulling it out of the cupboard for one reason or another! I bumped it down a little...
Top Ten Household Items #6

#6 on the Top Ten List of Household Items to Use in Your Science Classroom is:Index CardsTo be honest, I didn't even consider index cards in my initial list of possible items. But there are so many ways to use them, beyond just flashcards!Flatten an Index CardIndex Card SlidesStep Through an Index...
Top Ten Household Items #7

#7 on the Top Ten List of Household Items to Use in Your Science Classroom is:SugarGranulated sugar can find its way into plenty of science activities, but I find that sugar cubes lend themselves to even more possibilities. And, you can always crush the cubes to get granulated sugar!Sugar Cube...
Top Ten Household Items #8

#8 on the Top Ten List of Household Items to Use in Your Science Classroom is:Play DohPlay Doh gets bonus points because you can easily make your own in the colors and quantities you desire, with minimal materials and effort! After you've got it made, try out some of these ideas:Color MixingEarth...
Top Ten Household Items #9

#9 on the Top Ten List of Household Items to Use in Your Science Classroom is:Dried BeansI love having a stash of a few different kinds of dried beans/peas/lentils on hand. Try out these activities:Seed GerminationSemipermeable Membrane Demonstration Dissect a SeedThe Geologists' DilemmaRenewable...
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